Every year, many of us are faced with the problem of decorating home rooms, and most often it is wall-paper for walls that causes the greatest difficulties. We look at a lot of photos, leaf through booklets, look for ideas … Why is it so difficult to choose the right shade and fashionable theme of the picture?
The weighty importance of wallpaper in interiors is due to the fact that they set the background for space, so all decor elements and furniture are involuntarily compared with the style created by wall materials.
If earlier buyers were chasing quality, since it was not easy to get reliable and durable wall coverings, today the range of such materials is constantly expanding, therefore, the design properties of such coatings are given priority.
Do you want your room to look stylish, bright and modern and not contradict the general trends in the field of home design? Then see the photo of fashionable wallpaper for the walls of 2021 – and be in the trend.
General wallpaper trends 2021
Before you begin to reveal the secrets of the stylish design of home interiors, we want to draw your attention to an interesting pattern that repeats from year to year: the current theme of wallpaper is a reflection of textile novelties.
Keep an eye on the fabrics that come into fashion throughout the year – and you won’t lose out with the choice of wallpaper for your walls.
Since in 2021 old patterns and floral ornaments returned to fashion, it was these motifs that were firmly entrenched in leading positions among the choice of stylists and decorators.
Today, even modern interiors in the style of a loft, high-tech or modern can be designed using such exquisite motives, without violating the integrity of the design.
Tip: think in advance whether floral arrangements should draw attention to themselves. They can be used both as accents in the interior (choosing wallpaper with bright patterns), and to create a common background (in this case only neutral and pastel colors are involved).
Among other current trends of this year, the following features can be distinguished:
- accuracy and conciseness of the picture (the absence of overly catchy patterns and forms, abstract motifs and intrusive ornaments that provide color overload of the interior);
- the predominance of lightness and airiness in design (in particular, due to light shades and similar wall coverings);
- creating accents due to contrast (the most popular are black and white motifs on the walls, as well as small inserts of red, purple, blue and other bright colors);
Fashionable wallpaper for the walls of 2021, photo for the hall
- comprehensive proximity to nature (wallpapers of natural shades, imitation of landscapes or plant plots, materials imitating wood, bamboo, stone and other surfaces);
- a combination of several styles at once (a harmonious combination of patterned wallpaper with pieces of furniture and accessories that belong to other styles);
- creation of noticeable accents on the present (large-format photo murals, coatings with glossy tints and 3-D effect are increasingly popular in home design).
It is not always possible to accurately predict what shades will reveal in your interior in the best way. But you can set a general trend similar to fashion trends: in 2021, light and bright colors combined with each other are popular.
Tip: do not be afraid to embody non-standard shades in the design: more and more often interiors are decorated with mint, turquoise, peach, olive, golden and other tones.
To bring the interior as close as possible to fashion trends, try combining several shades on the walls at once. They should be in harmony with each other and not contradict the general style of the room.
The use of such combinations is also useful from a practical point of view: firstly, the combination of light and bright colors will fill the room with additional light, and secondly, it will visually correct the disproportionate shape of the room.
In the case of the design of small rooms, wallpapers with patterns that change the space are popular. These are rhombuses, and vertical lines, and waves over the entire surface of the walls. Patterns pointing up will lift your ceilings, and placing the picture horizontally will help expand the walls.
Wallpaper with geometry is extremely popular this year, because it is suitable for both modern and ancient directions in design.
Regarding the themes of patterns and shades of wallpaper, we will not be able to give general recommendations: your choice should depend on your own preferences and characteristics of the psychological perception of each shade. Nevertheless, the general trends set by leading experts are manifested in each interior of houses and apartments, so we will dwell in more detail on the design features of these rooms.
Find out how to use decorative ceiling beams in the interior and for which interior styles they are applicable.
Fashionable wallpaper for the kitchen design in 2021
This year’s cuisine is characterized by a predominance of light shades. Moreover, more and more often wallpapers are used to design all the walls in the kitchen space: materials like tiles or decorative panels gradually fade into the background.
Since modern kitchen interiors are decorated with furniture and a headset of simple shapes and unobtrusive shades, accents can be created using patterns of saturated colors.
This year it is customary to use realistic murals to create accents in the interior of the kitchen. Saturated colors, laconic shapes and non-standard effects on such coatings allow you to draw attention to the main wall and transform the space (for example, correct the shape of a narrow kitchen).
Another trend of this year is fashionable wallpaper for the kitchen in black and white. The interior, executed in such shades, will not look boring and monotonous, but thanks to the presence of both light and dark elements in the design, it will emphasize the individuality of your design idea.
Furniture fits any such wallpaper, and even ancient and massive design elements can be entered into such a kitchen without compromising the general theme.
Wallpaper trends 2021 for the living room
If the kitchen this year is made out, as a rule, in a modern style, then the hall is increasingly acquiring an old-fashioned orientation.
The fashion for such styles as classic, retro, Provence is reviving. Therefore, wallpapers of pleasant and unobtrusive shades with small prints will be an ideal option for decorating the hall and living room: stories on the theme of floristry, classic patterns and geometric ornaments.
The interior of the living room should be perceived as solemn and cheerful, therefore, in such a design, bright accents should not be neglected.
If you do not want to overload the room by decorating the walls with wide canvases of bright colors – create laconic inserts from wallpaper in niches or some parts of free walls. For these purposes, red, purple, brown and other saturated shades that will not look redundant against a background of light colors are suitable. Such a design is suitable for modern trends.
Do not lose sight of the possibility of combining several wallpapers. This can be a combination of patterned and plain coatings or a tandem of several patterns on different topics.
Remember! When combining several patterns, observe their harmony. Catchy and small prints are best combined with strict ornaments: for example, small flowers – with a strip.
The combination of wallpaper in a modern or ancient hall allows you to highlight the main wall in the room, focus on some details of the interior, delimit space, mask the unevenness of the walls or emphasize the features of some niches, ledges or partitions.
If you want to create a bolder interior, realistic wallpapers or 3D compositions with 3D effect will be the best option.
For the hall this season, floral images, landscapes and stories on urban themes are relevant.
What fashionable wallpaper in 2021?
Do not forget that large patterns and patterns affect the perception of space. Do not glue such wallpaper around the perimeter of the room, otherwise it will look cramped and dark. It is better to choose a small and concise drawing – and transform only one of the walls.
An important role in your room or living room will play shades. Using pastel colors will not cause any difficulties, since beige, white, pale blue, pink, yellow and other colors of this type are ideal for creating a background and will be in harmony with almost any color.
But correctly entering bright accents into such a space will be more difficult: achieving the desired effect will be easier if the colors used on the patterns or found in some areas of the room are repeated on textiles and accessories.
Stylish wallpaper for the bedroom
The bedroom is a place of comfort and tranquility, so all shades here should be harmonious, and the patterns should not be too bright. Floral motifs that are perfect for this room have returned to fashion.
In general, natural themes, according to experts, are best suited for bedroom design: with the right selection of colors, they can even fit into a modern design.
Among the colors used to design this room, pastel colors are still popular: this trend has remained unchanged for a long time.
But if earlier it was not possible to use bright accents in such a design, today wallpapers of saturated colors are increasingly glued at the head of the bed. By implementing this technique, you immediately highlight the central wall in the interior.
This year the bedroom is often decorated in muted colors. But the use of dark wallpaper requires compliance with several principles of decoration.
Firstly, you must provide a sufficient number of lamps for a harmonious perception of these shades. Secondly, in a dark bedroom a window must be present. One of the fashionable ways to design a bedroom in dark color is a combination of such wallpapers with light patterned coverings.
Hallway wallpaper trends 2021
The hallway design trends this year have remained unchanged. Still, preference is given to light shades that expand the space, as well as patterns of small sizes. Striped wallpapers that can fix irregular shapes in a room are also popular this year.
Among the new products of this year – a harmonious combination of wallpaper with materials that simulate natural surfaces.
Making home decor using wallpaper is a responsible and very important task, since it is the wallpaper design that will set the overall style of your room. Combine the shades correctly, focus on the fashion trends of this year – and your home will always be cozy.
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