Hardwood flooring has become the most desirable option, especially for indoor flooring. However, the recent hardwood floors trends have seen some traditional design options change into bolder and broader. With the necessity of renovating your hardwood floor when the need arises, you need to install hardwood floors that quickly adapt to the latest trends.
Hardwood floor trends now spot bolder colors, with usually avoided colors becoming the norm. Although the usual dark colors are still in vogue and will return, there is now widespread use of light colors with white undertones. Also, people now favor wider and longer hardwood floor panels, limiting the repetitions needed in covering the floor-length. Finally, you’ll find many hardwood floors sporting imperfections like knots and mineral streaks to give them a natural look.
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Good to Read: What Are the Flooring Trends This Year?
This article will find some ideas on the floor covering using the recent hardwood floor trends. It will help you keep in touch with the trends, explicitly focusing on the hardwood floor panels’ color, wood, finish, and length.
Elements of the New Hardwood Floor Trends
Every year, there’s usually a change in the style, including finishes, grains, wood preference, color, and wood panel length, of hardwood flooring that people adopt. The usually smooth, fine grain, shorter wood panel length, and dark hues have changed the previous year into a lighter undertone.
The different elements that bring about the change in style, and set the trend, include:
Wood Flooring Color
The wood flooring color is usually the first feature of the hardwood floor an observer notices. It varies with style and preference and is generally dark-toned, cool, or somewhere between. However, the trend for this year will tend towards cooler wood floor colors, with some more white or yellow undertone. However, you’ll see some homes with dark-toned hardwood flooring choices, and they’ll still be cool. Also, homes will use different color variations among the other parts of the house and planks with varying color tones laying side by side.
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Options for the wood flooring colors to meet the trend will be gray flooring, a combination of gray and beige – greige – wood flooring color, whitewashed floors, blonde floors, and copper-colored wood floors.
Wood Type
As there are different types of woods used in making wood flooring planks, you can expect that they have different physical attributes, especially with respect to their coarseness – which influences durability – grain and color – which influences aesthetics.
With the seemingly lighter color tone for the new hardwood flooring trend, you can expect to see more wood flooring planks made from white oak wood – as it can provide a darker hue compared to red oak and maple and can also be available in cool tones – and European white oak, specifically for gray undertones.
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Wood Flooring Type
So much attention has been on doing things to benefit the environment than harm it, and in aligning with this objective, you’ll find that many homes will use more hardwood flooring made from locally grown woods. Some will also use woods that have been used before in a bid to recycle.
Therefore, don’t be surprised to see reclaimed hardwood flooring in some homes. The flooring planks may be made from old building materials, barns, timbers, wine barrels, and decking; however, they’ll be scarce, and that will make them more desirable. Also, users of reclaimed wood flooring will be satisfied with being part of those helping the environment through recycling.
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Engineered hardwood flooring will also be on the frontline, employing medium-density fiberboard or high-density fiberboard beneath the surface to provide the stability that suits your style. However, the surface, made of veneer, is easy to clean and can be installed without employing the services of a professional. Hence, the thrill of DIY will make it a trending hardwood flooring option. Also, it is durable and can match any trending look.
Wood Flooring Texture
Hardwood flooring textures create a specific aesthetic quality and style, depending on your choice. It can look weathered, giving that rustic vibe, or you can have a lesser grained wood flooring to give that Scandinavian style you’re shooting for.
The hand-scraped hardwood floors are characterized by extremely visible gains, scrapes, and knots, giving your flooring a weathered look while providing some style. In addition, it makes it look as though your flooring has been installed and in use for a long time. As a result, you can expect this hardwood flooring to trend more with the older homeowners.
However, the younger homeowners will mostly opt for wire-brushed wood floors as they possess some qualities of the hand-scraped wood flooring, but with a lesser wood grain visibility and a lighter shade. Also, they are the midway options between smooth and highly textured hardwood flooring options.
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On the other end of the hardwood flooring texture spectrum, you’ll find those homeowners who prefer the smooth feel of distressed wood flooring. The surface is distressed minimally with a machine and gives a different look than any other wood texture.
Wood Floor Finishing
Hardwood floor finishing varies and gives different aesthetic effects on the floor. Shiny finishes have been in vogue for some time in the past, but some flat finishes, such as matte finishes, have begun to take over the scene.
You’ll see some homeowners opt for finishes that make the color of the wood flooring pop and darken a little, making the grains stand out a little more, especially with white oak flooring. This finishing, known as fumed-finished wood floor, gives your hardwood flooring a vintage vibe, giving each plank even coloring. It is usually done using ammonia gas; it reacts with tannins in the wood to darken its surface but maintains its undertone.
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Although shiny hardwood floor finishing is going out of trend, you may see some fairly shiny surfaces in homes. These floor finishes may employ satin-finished floors, giving a combination of flat and shine finish.
However, despite the bad rap the matte finish has, muted colors will be widely used to bring out the flat floor finishes in the coming years. With the desire to experiment with the forbidden, you’ll find many homes that will go for the contemporary and dull matte floor finish.
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We may see more oil wood floor finishes due to their durability and ease of replenishing in the coming years. However, risk-takers will go for its more natural look despite its propensity to more noticeable water damage and scratches.
However, the site-finished floors may be used less in the coming years as many will prefer the ready-made hardwood floor planks than having to apply finishing on the planks on-site. While it is a good option for its versatility and openness, its place in the hardwood flooring trends is behind the pack.
Wood Floor Pattern and Layout
Wood floor layout has been using somewhat narrow planks for some years, but that trend has changed, and there is a high demand for wider planks for hardwood flooring. The wide planks offer your room a wider, more open, and neater look. While some people may still prefer the old-fashioned shorter and thinner planks, they will continue to give a traditional look but quickly become outdated.
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Wood floor patterns usually range between Chevron and herringbone these days. However, despite its similarity to Chevron, you can expect to see more herringbone hardwood floor patterns. It is characteristically used to make the floor a focal point; hence, its applicability is in a wide range of places in the home, such as the kitchen and the hallway.
Common Hardwood Floor Trends in the Coming Years
Combining some of the elements that contribute to the hardwood floor trends, we have come up with designs that will likely make waves in the coming years. These designs contain more than two elements of hardwood floor trends, making them have a high chance of adoption in the years to come.
Highly Grained Cool Undertone Hardwood Floor
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With the hardwood floor trends tending towards cooler colors, wider and longer planks, somewhat dull but shiny finish, and wire-brushed texture, this is likely one of the designs many homeowners will adopt this year.
It’s impossible to miss the yellow undertone of this hardwood floor, exposing its identity as white oak wood. Also, the grains stand out; the knots and strains in the plank are more visible than usual, telling of a hand-scraped hardwood texture. Finally, there is no apparent joint in the planks; that is only possible because the planks are wide and longer than the traditional planks.
This hardwood floor design ensures that your rooms appear larger than they are; with this choice of hardwood type, you can choose any finishing that suits you – shiny, matte, or both. However, you may want to go with the finish in this design, as it is dull, but that brings out its beauty and hides its cracks if there are any.
Reclaimed Wood With Warmer Undertone
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Although cool colors on hardwood floors will be on-trend, continuing from last year, reclaimed hardwood floors will also be in trend, supporting recycling and saving the environment. You may choose reclaimed wood with warm undertones and use an on-site finish on them.
Generally, you can expect the scratches and marks on the wood to be apparent. However, the grains must have faded a long time ago. Depending on the house you’ll be using reclaimed wood flooring for, you may make it shiny to improve its appearance. If your style is a rustic look, this is an option you can consider. Also, if you’re on a tight budget, you can give reclaimed hardwood floor trends a try.
With it come the rustic vibe and the feel of prolonged use that is equivalent to being historical and ancient. With a shiny finish, you can make parts of the home, such as the kitchen, a spectacle with your flooring wood type.
Wide Wooden Plank With Cool Copper-Colored Floor
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One of the trendy hardwood floor colors will be copper. Its characteristically shiny brown, with a yellow undertone, will make it desirable in the coming years, especially for homeowners who’ll prefer shiny hardwood floor finishes. However, because color choices will tend towards the cooler side of the spectrum, many homeowners will choose copper-colored wood planks with cool undertones.
This specific hardwood flooring may be engineered hardwood with copper-colored veneer material but has a white undertone instead of the usual red or yellow undertone. This makes the color brighter and cooler to be part of the hardwood floor trends in the coming years.
Also, the length and width of the wood planks are more than the usual plank lengths. When installed, it makes the room appear larger and more spacious. It is a perfect choice for bedrooms and living rooms.
Whitewashed Wide Plank Hardwood Floor Trends
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If your style is Scandinavian, you should consider using this design to achieve your aim. The whitewashed wide plank hardwood flooring helps you make your room wider and allows some natural variation of lighting, depending on what part of the house you’re using it. In addition, you can expect to achieve a classic white wood look with this design as you minimize how much wood grain is visible.
The wide planks ensure that your wood floor is in trend, and the whitewashed surface of your hardwood hides the scratches on the wood plank surface to an extent. It is best achieved by whitewashing already installed blonde or gray wood flooring. Alternatively, you can purchase a luxury vinyl plank with the same physical appearance and install it.
Patterned Darker Hardwood Flooring
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Patterns on wood floors create a focal point in the room, other than what you may find on the walls or ceiling. Chevron wood planks have been in vogue for some time now, and they will continue to be one of the hardwood flooring trends for years to come.
Hardwood floors with darker colors and brown undertones make a perfect plank on which patterns like chevron and herringbone should be. You may find them to have a somewhat distressed look; however, you can also find them in other designs but maintaining the pattern. They are best for rooms with bright-colored furniture and walls. They also introduce the modern class.
Final Thought
Hardwood floor trends in the coming years will borrow from the trend that has been developing for some time now. Depending on your choice of wood and finishing, lighter colors that expose or hide the wood grains will be among the top adopted hardwood floor designs. Also, style adoption may vary between young and old homeowners.
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