The most neglected part of the house when it comes to planning is the bathroom; that is why you need a bathroom, a ready-made bathroom floor plan that you can quickly adapt to your bathroom remodelling or building endeavor, regardless of the size you envision it to be.
The bathroom floor plan ideas in this piece consist of different dimensions bathrooms may be in. however, you can easily modify these dimensions to suit your scale and bathroom features. A detailed description and visual representation of what each plan entail will be provided, helping you understand it better.
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We will consider the bathroom features and fixtures that separate bathrooms usually have and the average size of bathrooms compared to the total size of the house to provide the best bathroom floor plan ideas you will ever find.
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Why Is a Bathroom Floor Plan Important?
The bathroom isn’t a part of the house you spend so much time in; regardless, the time spent there should not be in relative tightness and difficulty navigating the area. While it is possible to get your business done and leave there as soon as possible, you will also want to experience some level of comfort while at it. Some of the reasons you need a bathroom floor plan includes and begin with:
Space Maximization
After installing all the necessary features and fixtures, the available floor space left to navigate in the bathroom should be enough to allow you to move around without hitting your feet against an item or bending awkwardly to move around. Ensuring that you have enough space for easy navigation requires adequate planning.
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Where you place different bathroom features and fixtures depends on the nature of your floor plan. Your bathroom’s features are determined by your space and how your bathroom floor design presents these features. For example, will dual sinks be reasonable in your tight space? Do you have enough space for a tub and a shower area; will it be better to combine them or have them separately? These questions will be answered by your bathroom floor design.
Also, your dream bathroom may be large, providing you with eternal space to install features and move around freely. However, without the right bathroom layout ideas, your bathroom may look nothing like you dreamed, as features may end up in places you didn’t envision.
Easier Cleaning
It’s always a good idea to create enough room in your bathroom to allow easy cleaning as you won’t like mold buildup there. Sometimes, it may be necessary to install partition walls to make this easier, especially between the shower area and the accessible bathroom area. However, cleaning in a tight space makes the chore more tiring, and you may be tempted to put off the activity for longer than is healthy.
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Also, using a shower curtain to restrict water splashes from getting to the other parts of the bathroom makes your cleaning job minimal and easier.
If your bathroom isn’t comfortable, there’s every likelihood other areas of your home aren’t. Some bathrooms have newspapers to make users feel comfortable; however, bathrooms aren’t needed to give comfort in the bathroom. The evident cleanliness of your bathroom, adequate legroom or space, and privacy are essential in determining how comfortable your bathroom users are.
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Features of a Bathroom and How They Affect the Floor Plan
Every bathroom should possess these features to make them recognized as one; however, some are unnecessary, although they provide a higher comfort level. If you have a narrow space, you can have a bathroom without them. They include:
The Shower Area
This is arguably the most used part of the bathroom. It is the area in the bathroom where you can have your bath while standing. It is usually separated from the other bathroom area by a partition wall. The walls can be transparent as stylish glass panels are used in modern bathrooms. Although it is sometimes called the main bathroom, it may be the smallest area, in square feet, of the entire bathroom.
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The shower area can sometimes be combined with the tub, reducing the plumbing costs. However, in this case, their partition wall might be a shower curtain hung from a shower curtain rail, available in different types.
Bath Tub
The bathtub is another bathing area. It differs from the shower because it requires its user to lay in it to use it. Bathtubs are available in different sizes, and the size you choose depends on your bathroom space and free floor area. It may be a luxury in some bathrooms, depending on its size. A bathroom with a bathtub may not need a shower or have a shower head installed above it, making it a combination of a bathtub and a shower.
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A bathtub usually has a protective covering around its area. They are mostly shower curtains that can easily be retracted, preventing moisture from getting to the other parts of the bathroom.
The toilet is also one of the most used parts of a bathroom. In some homes, they are separated from the main bathroom, providing privacy to users of either facility. However, it is also common to find homes where the toilet and bathroom are in the same space, although there may be partition walls for privacy.
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The toilet does not necessarily take up much space, but it requires adequate leg room to comfort its users. It should be strategically located so that it does not cause discomfort for its users and other bathroom users, peradventure they have to use the room simultaneously.
Bathroom closets are storage areas where bathroom supplies, such as toilet paper, shaving cream, bathing soap and liquid, towels, and the like, are kept. These closets can include a linen closet and a medicine cabinet. They are usually placed about six feet from the floor of the bathroom.
The sink is the bathroom area where shaving and facial cleaning are done. Bathroom sinks can be single or double to serve more than one person at a time. Also, the sink houses some plumbing that supplies water and can easily mess up the bathroom floor. They usually have mirrors in front of them and are installed away from the shower cubicle, bathtub, and toilet.
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Bathroom Floor Plan Ideas
To make these bathroom floor plan ideas easy to follow, we will categorize them into plans for the master bedroom, family bathroom plans, and small bathrooms.
Master Bathroom Floor Plan Ideas
The master bedroom is usually the biggest in a house. It is, therefore, expected that the master bathroom will be the biggest and most private in the house, with more bathroom space than the others. Here are some bathroom floor plan ideas for taking advantage of the massive space.
Floor Plan 1
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The bathroom shape for this floor plan is “L.” It has both sides almost equal in length, but the longer side holds the shower cubicle, the toilet, and the bathtub. Depending on the space you have to play with, you can have a medium-sized bathtub with the toilet in the middle of the shower and the tub. You can have your double sink installed on the shorter bathroom length, closer to the door.
With this bathroom floor plan, there is almost no need for a partition wall since its use is restricted to the occupants of the master bedroom. However, the toilet area can be protected from view with a partition wall if the need arises.
Floor Plan 2
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This bathroom floor plan is similar to the first but differs, especially in a window that allows you to see the outdoors. The longer side of the bathroom holds a huge bathtub, and beside it is a huge window. Depending on your neighborhood, you may choose to close the window while you’re in the bath. On the other side of the bathroom, you have a dual sink in the middle of the toilet and a linen closet.
Entry from the master bedroom brings you to the linen closet first, then the sinks, and in the corner, next to the window, is the toilet.
Floor Plan 3
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This bathroom floor idea takes a C-shape without the curves. The lengthiest part holds the toilet, the bathtub, and part of the bench area. Opposite the bathroom is a double sink, and beside it, directly opposite the bathtub, is the entryway. To the left of the entrance is the linen closet. It is necessary to point out the possibility of installing a sauna and shower area labeled “bench.” The bathtub has a window directly overhead.
Being the master bathroom, a partition covering the toilet may be unnecessary. However, if the bench area is to be used as a shower area, you may need to install a shower curtain to curtail water splashes.
Family Bathroom Floor Plan Ideas
A family bathroom, also called a Jack and Jill bathroom, is shared by more than one family member, if not all. Usually, the bathroom is attached to more than one room, and the facilities are shared. In this type of bathroom, partition walls for privacy are a necessity.
Floor plan 4
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This bathroom floor idea has two entryways, one from each bedroom attached to the bathroom. There are two opposing sides of equal lengths and the same number of partitions. Coming from either bedroom, your first contact is a sink. One sink flanks the toilet, and the other flanks the linen closet. The toilet and the linen closet share one enclosure.
In the bathtub opposite the toilet, along the other bathroom length, and on its flanks, shower areas can be created to reduce wastage in the bathroom. However, each shower area and the bathtub should have protective coverings for privacy.
Floor Plan 5
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This is another layout for a shared bathroom, suitable for two people. It has two entryways, three windows, and a large laundry. The powder room is directly opposite one of the windows and between the bath or shower area and the toilet. The laundry and the powder room are separated by a partition, as is the toilet and shower area from the powder room, respectively.
The double sink is installed below the two windows in the laundry, while the linen closet is beside the sinks.
Floor Plan 6
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This family bathroom floor plan idea favors more privacy than the others. It has two toilets, two shower areas ensuite, one bathtub, two sinks, and one linen closet beside each one. The entryway to each sink, toilet, and shower area line is different. However, they share one laundry, although with other entryways. Each toilet and shower area is partitioned away from the powder room.
With this bathroom floor plan, expect more plumbing costs but better privacy.
Small Bathroom Floor Plan Ideas
Small bathrooms usually encourage more economical space use. Therefore, you can expect to have fewer features in your bathroom and incur lesser plumbing costs. Some small bathroom floor plan ideas are:
Floor Plan 7
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As a small bathroom, there is limited space. Therefore only the essentials are needed there. This bathroom floor plan idea for small bathrooms needs a sink, one toilet, and a bathtub or shower area, depending on your preference. The bathtub takes more space and has a shower curtain to partition it from the toilet and sink.
The bathtub can have a showerhead above it, while the powder room is small in front of the sink. It is best suited for one person; however, it may be shared between two people.
Floor Plan 8
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This floor plan idea has one entryway and a window for a small bathroom. The door opens to the powder room, where a single sink and a toilet share the space. You may also have a linen closet beside the toilet if you have extra space. To the right of the door is the shower area, where you can have your bathtub and overhead shower. You should provide a partition between this area in the other part of the bathroom.
Final Thought
Bathroom floor plans are essential in helping you make the best use of the limited space you have in your bathroom. Whether you intend to build a new bathroom or remodel an existing one, use a bathroom floor plan that suits your need, and you’ll incur less cost and improve your comfort in the bathroom.
Depending on the size of your family and the size of your bathroom, choose one of the bathroom floor plans that best suits your situation in this piece.
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