The new trends in decorating and home design for 2021 will see the great triumph of Nature in all its expressions.
Starting from the great use of wood to make furniture and accessories, to colors, which will see in the first row the green and its nuances, as well as palettes that interpret the basic elements that is earth, water, air and fire, it will be an ecological year.
Still on the subject of elements that come from the earth, even natural stone will have its role as a protagonist, a material with which rustic dwellings were once built and which will once again appear to powerfully appear.
And since the aesthetic taste, while up-to-date, has its strong points, gold and its more opaque version of brass will be the load-bearing signs of timeless luxury and charm, as well as making the home with their gleam brighter.
2021 interior design trends: materials
The search for natural elements will be the main way: wood, iron, glass and stone will be the dominant materials and the experts, architects, interior designers and experts will advise for those who want to renovate their home in the New Year.
Trendy wood material 2021
Wood will be the ruler of 2021 among the materials: the Nordic styles a choice to furnish the home is reaping more and more success globally, establishing itself for the simplicity and warmth that the natural element can transmit.
A material that can be unique when used for the production of furniture, thanks to the veins, the shades of colors and the imperfections, which make the furnishings definitely personalized.
But not only will the Scandinavian style be contemplated in the 2021 trends, as globalization will also be affirmed in the way we see and structure the apartments, mixing up styles, colors and lines without problems and fears.
Trendy 2021 glass material
The glass will see its affirmation with particular developments for the realization of furnishing accessories that will embellish the corners of the house.
The need for freedom in ever smaller apartments and the strong appeal of nature, make glass an ideal material for the creation of bookcases, dividing walls, but also external walls in modern structures that base the character of the dwelling on brightness.
With the industrial style among the most successful trends, it will be a widely used material, in particular workmanship forms to make it silk-screened, pleated, opaque, methods that will give personality to objects and home decorations.
Trendy 2021 stone material
With the success of Nature and its elements, stone could not be missing, one of the simplest materials existing and used successfully and with satisfaction in the field of interior design.
In a rustic house or in a modern city house, a natural stone wall makes every room warm and welcoming and has an amazing effect on the view.
Here then is what to think about renovating a house, preserving one or more walls in natural stone, or covering the walls with stone or bricks?
It will be a choice in line with the 2021 trends in the field of design and will give new life to the home.
2021 interior design trends: styles
Although the Nordic styles will predominate as trends, 2021 will leave the field open to the possibility of merging different styles, creating original situations even within the same room.
The ethnic style will assert itself more and more, relying on the use of natural materials and very bright colors, for a dynamic and constantly evolving home.
Elements such as leather carpets, with patterns that recall the animals of the savannah, wooden furniture with particular inlays, will be on the pages of the catalogs of the main furniture companies.
As a contrast, the industrial style, where iron, stone and wood are used in a modern way. A style traditionally suited to large spaces such as open spaces, will represent the alternative choice, with the recovery of objects, all in the name of creative recycling.
This does not mean that the two trends can mix together, in the name of fantasy and aesthetics.
2021 interior design trends: colors
As every year, the American institute Pantone has traced an identikit of the colors that will be destined to be protagonists of the furnishing and design trends in the calendar year 2021.
Color of the year 2019
The color of the year 2019 will be a particular shade of green, the Night Watch, chosen from the official Pantone publication that wanted to identify in this palette inspired by Nature, the hallmark of next year.
The Night Watch is a rich and intense green tint, with a dark emerald hue. Furthermore, evoking the naturalistic theme, it is an inspirational color of tranquility and serene environments.
Indicated as a very dark color shade, its greater use is suitable for large and well-lit rooms, therefore, in rooms of reduced dimensions, its use will be sipped.
Therefore its use is not favorable on walls, but identifies small accessories and complements, combining colors that recall the desert sand or mustard, to give charm and brightness to the environment.
2021 color palette
Alongside the Night Watch, the Pantone institute has identified 8 palettes, for a total of 72 colors that will be the protagonists. The next season will prove to be in absolute contrast to previous years.
The strong, intense, bright colors will return to be predominant, which will make the houses much more fascinating.
Pantone reveals only three palettes, with relative indication of colors and description, which are:
- Cravings
- Classic
- Meanderings
Cravings, which can be translated into Italian as a burning desire, craving, is a very warm, sensorial palette that inspires desire and desire. From the oriental flavor, the main colors will obviously be red, orange and dark purple, shades that will refer, in the various nuances, to food and food from all over the world.
Hence the main colors that will be the Butterum, Cappuccino, Chili Pepper, Flamingo, Grass Green (grass green), and Cayenne.
Classic goes back to the more traditional colors, which never fade and which are always present in modern homes. Elegance is the key factor that allows these colors to never fall into oblivion.
Tones therefore like caramel, chic gray blue, white swan, burgundy red, black and gold caviar will not be missing.
Meanderings, literally translatable as wanderings, is inspired by globalization, expressing the journey through a thousand different cultures, recovering and drawing on the multiple cultural models that the world can express.
It is therefore a happy fusion of style and life culture, this explains the imaginative hues that respond to the names of Island Green, Blue Print, Spice Route, Chai Tea, Red Aurora and Wild Orchid.
For the other 5 color palettes, the famous American institute limits itself to indicating the names and a brief description:
- Syncopated is the palette of pure energy, with warm colors to be protagonists, taking advantage of the shades of red, yellow and bright white
- Paradoxical, like the translation into Italian paradoxical, will see combinations out of the rules, mixing classic and modern, with light colors and dark colors that will mate
- Musings is the palette inspired by nature, where well-being combines with a healthy lifestyle, which favors relaxation and body harmony
- Cherish focuses instead on cheerful colors, which are fun and comfortable, a boost of pure vitamin
- Proximity is the color palette inspired by technology and modernity, with shades of blue and green to predominate
Trends in interior design 2021: furniture
For a season that promises to be characterized by nature and eco-sustainability, fundamental concepts to protect the Earth from disturbing phenomena such as pollution and global warming, recovering and recycling material and old objects will be an important step.
Like the basic motto of the Scandinavian style, which indicates in living with less and being happy, the recovery of natural materials will make it possible to create many small accessory elements that will embellish your home.
And mixing trends, as if to create an orderly chaos, will allow you to move towards an ethnic style, drawing inspiration from the different cultures of the world, highlighting craftsmanship, therefore handmade furnishings with those imperfections that make them unique.
A fascinating touch of luxury cannot be missed : the presence of goldin the elements, with its bright color and that never goes out of fashion, will enhance the home.
As an alternative to the most precious gilded metal, the brass will be placed side by side, a cheaper but highly chic version: combining a vintage brass floor lamp in a modern living room will be a fascinating and tasteful choice under the aesthetic aspect.
In the bathroom, an irregularly shaped countertop basin in stone will be a unique piece due to its craftsmanship, integrating with any style adopted.
In the bedroom, a wicker basket near the wardrobe will be the ideal container for blankets and blankets when the temperatures are harsher.
Interior design trends 2021 that you will want to know about
Fashion trends in interior design are not changing each other as fast as fashion for clothes, shoes, hairstyles or hair color. And it pleases, because everyone knows how long, laborious and expensive the repair process is. Each homeowner seeks to keep his interior as trendy as possible.
Fortunately, any new direction in interior design has been delayed in our homes for more than one year. These trends are not characterized by a seasonal rapid change, as is the case with wardrobe items. In the design of the premises, changes occur smoothly, some trends in the interior are replaced by others, gradually transforming the appearance of the housing and its atmosphere.
By deciding to use new design trends when decorating your home, you can be sure that the decoration of your interior 2021 will not go out of fashion in a year. If you approach this issue thoughtfully and use a combination of different directions, then such a design will not lose its relevance over time.
Current trends: classic or style?
If you plan to start the repair or just think about its necessity, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the main areas in interior design. Some of the fashion trends go away in time, giving way, while others linger for a long time, undergoing partial changes and retaining their focus. What is relevant in the current season?
- Traditional classic chandeliers and single lamps with shades are replaced by original lighting and decorative structures and complex compositions from several single lamps. This not only provides excellent illumination of the room in the evening, but also contributes to the creation of a peculiar architecture of space.
- The furniture is becoming more functional, it has clear lines and simple geometric shapes. The absence of frills is compensated by the use of interesting materials and upholstery of the original texture and colors.
- The trend is the use of elements of folk art, which can easily give any interior an original look. A piece of exoticism, which will bring sophisticated ornaments, original patterns and exquisite folk motifs, will be appropriate in almost any interior. The main thing is moderation, it is important not to overdo it with folklore details, and then the national color will become that highlight that will add charm to your interior.
- The use of metal does not lose its relevance. Forging products have long taken a place in the interiors of apartments and houses. Graceful window and fireplace grills, sophisticated stair railings and balcony railings, openwork furniture and intricate decor items – these works of blacksmithing can cause genuine admiration.
- Decorating surfaces with prints is gradually becoming a thing of the past. In the interiors, monophonic walls of calm shades will prevail. They will not look boring, because in a trending surface with an interesting texture. Concrete, rough stucco or masonry are complemented by bright accents in the form of paintings of interior paintings and original modular compositions.
- The color scheme of the current season involves the use of calm, warm, pastel shades that contribute to relaxation and peace. Neutral tones are appropriate in different rooms and different interior styles. They serve as the perfect backdrop for furniture and decor. The use of bright, saturated colors in the form of small accents is relevant. In this regard, the favorite will be dark green.
Materials: New stylish and unfading classics
Ceramic tiles can hardly be called a new trend. However, the ever-expanding assortment of this universal finishing material allows you to embody the most unusual ideas: the trend is hexagonal tiles in the form of bee honeycombs. It in itself looks very unusual both on the walls and on the floor. And if you use a fantasy flight and tiles of different shades, you can achieve an incredible graphic effect. Terracotta clay tiles are gaining more and more popularity.
One of the favorites among the materials used for decoration and decoration of rooms, is still a natural stone. Modern interior trends are such that we can safely say: this material is unlikely to soon give way to its leading position.
“Wild” stone with its sharp edges, polished by sea waves to almost perfect pebbles, rough stone blocks with a rough surface, stone slabs polished to shine, striking with its rich texture and variety of patterns – there is room in the interior for any of these varieties of natural material .
Walls and arches, fireplaces and sinks, countertops and window sills, artistic compositions and decorative panels made of natural stone will give your home a unique and inimitable appearance.
Decor items made of this material also have no equal: coffee tables, lamp bases, ashtrays, decorative figures and candlesticks will be an adornment of any interior.
Puffs and pillows made of wool, stylized as smooth sea boulders and repeating their shape and pattern, can become a highlight of your home. These unusual interior items will harmoniously fit into the living space, deliver positive emotions to the owners of the house, surprise guests and emphasize the relevance of the next trend.
The course towards rapprochement with nature
Fashion trends in the interior again turn to the natural world, which is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and design ideas. Natural materials are a real find for decorating and decorating a room. Natural wood, cork, bamboo, bark, vine, rattan – each of these materials can organically fit into the interior, filling the home with positive energy, adding stability and confidence.
None of the modern finishing materials is able to introduce natural energy, which is fraught with natural wood, into the interior. It fills the atmosphere of the home with living warmth, comfort and coziness.
In a room with wooden finishes, furniture and decor items, there is a natural flavor and connection with nature.
Seasons and fashion trends are replacing each other, but when arranging a home, it is important to take into account not only modern trends in interior design. You should always remember that housing is intended, first of all, for a person and his comfortable living.
The interior of the house in which we live has a great influence on our emotional state, behavior and even character. The latest trends in interior design are aimed at creating a beautiful and functional home in which it is comfortable to live and work. In such a house harmony reigns, every detail is thought out to the smallest detail, and the atmosphere is filled with warmth and comfort.
Trends in interior design 2021: gallery of images
In the rich gallery of images you can contemplate the trends that will become established in the field of design and furnishings in 2021.
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