What styles are best for exclusive luxury interiors? What shades are in fashion now and how to combine expensive natural materials in decoration so that your interior turns into a genuine work of art?
To get answers to these questions and get an idea of what will be fashionable in 2021, read our review of the main trends of the new season: the latest interior trends illustrate photos of the latest projects from the portfolio of interior design.
In the new season, the fashion for elegant art deco will remain, ideal for creating exclusive and extremely expensive interiors of apartments and private houses. However, Art Deco does not stand still: 2021 will undoubtedly be marked by the emergence of new trends in colorization and decoration.
Fashionable interior 2021: main trends
The aesthetics of Italy will now set the tone for private interiors: rich textures, complex color combinations, smooth lines and elegant restraint of decor. By the way, designers still willingly use expensive non-ferrous metals in decoration, but no longer individually: in the new season, an eclectic set of a wide variety of metals in one interior is increasingly found in interiors. Preference is also clearly given to tactile, pleasant to the touch materials, such as velvet, suede, soft leather. Asymmetry will be in fashion where it is possible without violating the overall harmony of space. In general, everything that goes beyond the limits of the trend is in the trend: readiness for bold experiments, for mixes of styles, textures, vivid color contrasts.
Art Deco as a synonym for luxury
The most expensive furniture, exclusive designer lamps, crystal, marble and precious metals will look organic and very effective in the art deco interior. That is why it remains the No. 1 style in luxury interior design. Very often, preference is given to a classic beige-brown or creamy white palette. But such a combination of pearl gray and black, as in the interior in the photo, looks no less impressive. At the same time, one should not forget about the bright accents: as a rule, in strict, geometrically oriented art deco interiors we are talking about fresh bright greenery or saturated colors of photographs or paintings.
Art Deco with classic elements
Luxurious art deco has a very important advantage: it harmoniously combines with other elegant styles that are often chosen for the decoration of luxurious interiors – such as modern, classic, neoclassical or modern.
Skillfully combining elements of various styles, a professional designer can create unusually spectacular eclectic interiors. Classical chandeliers in an art deco outlet, furniture of an unusual shape, but built in a strict classical composition, incredibly expensive materials with restrained decor – all these trends emphasize a new, eclectic approach to interior design in 2021.
Fashionable design: characteristic ornamental motifs
An art deco ornament is usually a geometric ornament. If the regular pattern brings orderliness and rigor in the decoration of the floor or upholstery, the geometric decoration of the mirrors or lamps rather fills the interior with airy lightness.
The diverging diagonals at the head of the bed in the photo resemble the sun’s rays and to some extent refer to the purpose of this room. More curved and flowing lines are also not uncommon in the Art Deco style, although they usually assume a symmetrical composition: the curved forms of fancy sconces in the interior of this bedroom dilute the severity of the composition and bring a sense of harmony and peace.
Trending colors in the interior: art deco palette
The classic palette of interiors in the Art Deco style suggests delicate and noble shades of beige, brown or gray palette. Bright accents in such a room are quite acceptable, but not necessary: interiors in the style of luxurious art deco are so saturated on their own thanks to the abundance of textures and the use of expensive natural materials that, as a rule, do not require additional accents. In contrast, gold trim is very common. Of all the precious metals for art deco, it is gold that is preferred as the most expensive, catchy and emotionally rich component.
Luxury Gold Art Deco Palette
The warm and sparkling gold palette brings not only solemn luxury to the interior, but also warmth and comfort, regardless of the chosen design style. Gold in decoration is also very often used precisely in rooms in the Art Deco style, while remaining an integral component of an emphasized expensive interior.
The photo shows an example of the design of the living room, entirely sustained in golden tones, starting from the light golden glow of the frame, framing a decorative marble panel and ending with an almost caramel shade of the upholstery of the chairs. Oddly enough, the interior of this chic living room does not look overloaded at all: the saturated green of plants and delicate pale pink peonies become a pleasant accent.
Modern interior in the style of Art Deco
It would be a mistake to believe that art deco is suitable exclusively for decorating a chic living room or elegant bedroom: this style can unexpectedly turn out to be quite democratic and modern and will fit easily into any type of room, even a sports hall.
In the interior of the photo, a long row of rectangular mirrors in the floor and curtains falling in folds goes well with a small seating area at the far end of the hall. It is precisely her that accounts for the main “stylistic load”: a luxurious chandelier in the form of a cascade of crystal threads is decorated with a rectangular mirror insert with a characteristic geometric ornament. Gold accents in the decoration seem to “echo” the chromed metal parts of the simulators.
The main trends in the decoration
A bathroom decorated in an Art Deco style can also turn into a significant artistic space: as a rule, a spacious bathroom becomes a wonderful field for the realization of the most daring design fantasies, because there is no need to place a large amount of furniture in it. This means that the walls and floor are completely freed up for the art expression of Art Deco.
Luxurious marble finishes are suitable for the use of stones in a wide variety of forms, in particular marble slabs or spacious panels throughout the wall imitating the pattern of natural stone are very popular. Soft color accents look very advantageous in a neutral environment and bring a certain “zest” to the interior.
Interior color trends 2021
Trend color: fashion burgundy
A fashionable shade of the new season is a noble burgundy. It looks advantageous against the background of a pearl gray palette, and obsidian black brings elegant rigor and even some solemnity to the interior. In combination with classic forms of furniture, stucco moldings, moldings and a massive crystal chandelier, such a bedroom looks almost like a palace interior.
Bright turquoise in premium interiors
Turquoise in different shades and combinations remains in the trend for at least one more season. True, the fashion for classic turquoise-white interiors is gradually leaving, but the combination of turquoise with gray-brown tones or bronze looks very significant and at the same time stylish. Turquoise looks unusually bright in the saturated interior of the bathroom, which looks not so much like an ordinary bathroom, but like an elegant boudoir with bath accessories. This impression is further enhanced by an elegant armchair and an oval mirror in retro style.
Luxurious Gold Palette
The interior of the entrance hall, by definition, looks less saturated: however, the lack of furniture is compensated by the diverse finishes of the floor, walls and ceiling. An amazing panel with slices of natural stone undoubtedly becomes the compositional and semantic center of the composition. Such a monolithic, saturated canvas is opposed by light lace of ornaments, graceful strings of crystal and smooth rounded shapes of the wall and half-columns trimmed with gilding.
Mustard accents in the interior
The imagination is struck by multi-level lighting and carefully planned lighting. A soft surprise are soft mustard accents that look very modern and at the same time perfectly harmonize with gilded elements in the decoration. Mustard color is complemented by warm shades of wood. A contrasting tone is the noble dark blue used in the decoration of furniture.
Dark brown monochrome
The classic brown palette is played out differently by the studio of elite interiors, depending on the type of room, style and preferences of the customer. The bedroom in coffee and chocolate tones exudes a sense of comfort and discreet cozy luxury.
In the elegant interiors of apartments in the Art Deco style, a bright accent in the decor elements (in this case, the fantasy panel with the dragon plays this role) becomes the finishing touch, thanks to which the space becomes integral.
Light beige palette with brown accents
A beige palette with brown accents is perfect for a luxurious and respectable interior. Classical furniture, faceted mirrors, lush drapes and a massive crystal chandelier create a classic look. Due to the warm colors in the decoration and wooden flooring, the interior of such a living room looks not only expensive, but also very cozy. Intimate notes in the atmosphere bring sconces in a classic style in the form of gilded candles.
Interior decor trends 2021: in style selection
Refined Art Deco
The interior of the bedroom in the photo is distinguished by restrained luxury, which emphasizes the splendor of the crystal chandelier and the grace of the sconce lamps in the form of falling “ribbons” formed by crystal pendants. In a restrained interior in dark brown tones, the characteristic for Art Deco desire to clearly distinguish between space and the tendency to use geometric shapes in decoration and decor come to the fore.
The cozy charm of a loft
The loft, unusually popular last season, is now gradually spreading to premium interiors. The characteristic masonry does not have to have a bright brick tint: a combination of pearl dark gray and dark brown tones, especially against the background of blue twilight outside the window, is more suitable for an elegant and expensive interior. Stylish modern fixtures and empty empty surfaces emphasize the feeling of spaciousness, which is also an integral element of the loft style.
Scandinavian comfort
The Scandinavian style that came into fashion last season is slowly but surely gathering the target audience and gradually occupying its niche in the field of elite interior design. Soft and calm, he is by no means devoid of a pronounced personality. Luxurious notes, first of all, slip in the choice of materials: these are expensive fabrics, and, above all, velvet in decoration. Widely used typical for the Scandinavian style is the use of wood and warm shades of brown.
English style in a children’s room
Luxurious art deco does not always look appropriate in the interior of a children’s room: a more democratic style: English, loft or Scandinavian, is more likely to be suitable for its design. In the interior of the children’s bedroom, a photo print sets the tone with black and white views of London and the legendary red bus. The British color is emphasized by a huge flag-shaped rug and red and blue accent color.
Discreet luxury in a contemporary style
Modern style in interior design is understood quite widely and is rarely presented in its pure form: notes of a loft, elements of fusion style or classic accents can only decorate a modern interior, giving it a kind of “zest”. An elegant and slightly mysterious image in the photo is born from a combination of photo wallpaper with the image of giant fern leaves, bright white upholstery of armchairs, white bulbs of a fancy lamp and white painted walls that preserve the brickwork pattern.
American style: classic for all time
In such a spacious living room you can not only sit comfortably on the couch in front of the TV, but also comfortably sit with a whole group of friends. All the furniture is characteristically grouped in the center, and along the walls there are racks with decorative figurines. The American-style interior can be designed in any color scheme: it does not have its own coloristic preferences.
Dark curtains combined with a rich shade of brown furniture, a light background and golden accents create a respectable and at the same time stylish image.
Living room interior design trends 2021
Fashionable dining room combined with living room
Combining the living room with the dining room and the kitchen remains the most common method of designing a spacious guest area. At the same time, there are plenty of options to distinguish zones from a semantic and artistic point of view: multilevel ceilings, concentration of furniture groups, allocation due to a variety of floor finishes and color solutions.
The latest interior 2021: living room decoration
The division of the living area into separate rooms, each of which has its own separate door, is a thing of the past. If for some reason you are not attracted to the spacious living room, combining all three areas together, there is always the opportunity to maintain the separation, but to remove the doors: as a result, you will get spacious openings, as in the interior of the living room in the photo. The result is a cozy one with a sofa and a TV area. The lack of accessories is compensated by elegant finishes, rich ornamental motifs and an unusual stone pattern.
Modern bedroom design trends 2021
Classic Art Deco Bedroom
The classic bedroom today meets its basic purpose and often does not contain any other furniture except a spacious bed, a pair of bedside tables and one or two chairs or armchairs. Often in the bedroom there may even be no wardrobe: in modern luxury apartments, as a rule, there is no need for it thanks to the presence of a separate dressing room. The bedroom may also include a boudoir area or a small desk, as in the interior in the photo.
Luxury Fashion: Golden Bedroom
In the photo of the bedroom in Zhil-Art residential complex we see an example of a classic bedroom in the style of a luxury, not burdened with additional furniture. Incredibly luxurious decoration becomes a designer end in itself and likens the interior of a bedroom to a luxurious palace bedchamber worthy to receive the most senior persons. The dominant golden palette in such an interior does not look fresh or too pompous thanks to elegant lamps and tastefully selected beige and brown textiles.
Classic interior with olive accents
In the interior of the bedroom in the LCD “Donskoy Olympus” appears a pleasant color addition in the form of olive and turquoise accents. The semantic and compositional center, of course, remains a spacious bed with a fantasy headboard. A massive crystal chandelier brings a silver glow to the interior, contrasting with the warm golden glow and pastel shades of the carpet. Such a connection once again confirms the thesis of a new design trend – a combination of gold and silver metallic in decoration and decor.
Luxurious luxury with classic elements
Expensive and stylish luxury interiors invariably gravitate towards a symmetrical organization of space: paired armchairs and fancy shelves frame the TV in the center, a bit like theatrical scenes. The interior of the bedroom in the photo is an example of the design of the bedroom in dark colors. The noble gray-black gamut with juicy burgundy accents amazes with restrained grandeur and abundance of shades of gray and metallic. Attention is drawn to the unusual faceted decoration of chairs and a table. Strict geometry of the interior is diluted with bizarre bends of shelving shelves, designed in the form of decorative coasters.
Bright interior with a summer mood
Thanks to the light palette, the shining gold finish and the abundance of daylight pouring through the panoramic window, the luxurious bedroom looks really bright and spacious. Golden overflows create the mood of a sunny morning and at the same time emphasize the luxury of a classic interior with lush curtains and a massive crystal chandelier. In the interior of the bedroom there is a rich gamut of brown-beige shades, starting with very light and ending with honey, dark caramel and chocolate brown tones.
Beige palette in the bedroom interior
The photo shows another bedroom interior in beige tones, already in a more modern design. The lack of pomposity here is compensated by original designer lamps, similar to a cascade of luminous bubbles, and unusual accessories. Pay attention to the fashion trend in the interiors of the bedroom 2021: at the foot of the spacious bed, directly opposite the TV zone, there is a small cozy sofa, extremely attractive with its velvety upholstery.
Interior of the kitchen 2021: the main trends of the season
Art Deco dinning kitchen
The kitchen, combined with the dining room, has long been leading the short list of the most fashionable trends in interior design. The dining area in the photo is separated from the rest of the living room by drawing a marble floor. Luxurious curtains seem to precede the dining room, giving the interior a theatrical elegance. Against the background of a dark kitchen set, brightly lit glass cabinets stand out as bright spots. Graceful pearl-colored chairs echo with light marble and a translucent shade of an unusual chandelier.
Stylish kitchen interior in dark brown tones
The kitchen interior in the photo is also built on the contrast of light tones and a dark brown palette. The light rectangle of the ceiling seems to be mirrored in the drawing of the marble floor, giving the room a strict symmetry. The kitchen apron area is lined with spectacular marble with a bright rich pattern that incorporates all the coloristic richness of the interior. Tall chairs at the bar in the foreground complete the symmetrical composition.
Golden palette in the design of the kitchen
The white and gold palette in the interior of the kitchen looks luxurious and solemn, but it is unusually light: graceful curls of the ornament, light tulle and carved backs of chairs give the image airiness. Opposite the dining table there is an additional TV zone: a small screen frames a luxurious, full-wall marble panel, the pattern of which is in tune with the marble slabs in the design of the kitchen apron. Green plants or a lush bouquet on the table bring a pleasant fresh aroma and summer notes to the interior.
Elegant Art Deco Kitchen
A classic beige palette with gold and brown accent tones can look no less luxurious in the kitchen than in the living room or bedroom. Rich gold accents, smooth and rounded curves in the Art Deco style create a sophisticated and expensive look. Illumination around the perimeter of the kitchen performs not only a utilitarian function, but also additionally zones the kitchen with a breakfast bar.
Scandinavian-style cuisine with mustard accents
The asceticism characteristic of the Scandinavian style compensates for the two-level articulation of the ceiling with additional lighting and the rich background of the kitchen apron trimmed with expensive light marble with a noble design. Bright mustard accents harmonize with warm yellow light and form a stylish pair with dark blue, which is also used in furniture upholstery.
Fashionable design of a modern kitchen interior 2021
The interior in the photo is a rare example of a traditional layout with separate rooms: this option may well allow the owner of a spacious apartment (or the whole house), in which there is no need to combine the living room with other areas for visual expansion of the space. Nevertheless, the interior of the kitchen is designed in bright colors with pleasant crystal accents that add lightness to the room and set a slightly playful tone. The smooth facade of the kitchen in contrast brings some restraint to the interior, and also allows you to achieve the most ergonomic organization of space.
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